Get protein's concentration from a dilution series measured with an A200-1000 absorbance spectrum. ... Function expects an input such as the csv file exported from plot_absorbance_spectrum called '_processed.csv', which contains values corrected for path length and normalised to blanks as a column called normalised_cm1_value, but retains replicate data containing positional (well) information required for exporting predicted concentrations at the end of this function. ... Function uses fpcountR::get_extcoeff_A280 to get EC in M-1cm-1 and wavelength, and converts it to an EC mass extinction coefficient in (mgml)-1cm-1 using the MW (worked out from protein_seq and fpcountR::get_mw). Then the function uses the EC_A280_mgml to work out the concentration of protein in each well, using three correction methods. Instead of using the normalised data directly, the values used are based on a LOESS fit through the absorption spectra to minimise fluctuations due to noise. ... Finally, linear models are fitted to each concentration prediction method, and a csv file is built containing predicted concentrations according to the user's chosen correction method. Plots showing each of the analytical steps are saved concurrently.

  buffer = "",
  wells_to_remove = NULL,
  disulphides = FALSE,
  showWarnings = TRUE,
  showMessages = FALSE,
  corr_method = "none",
  wav_to_use1 = 340,
  wav_to_use2 = 333,



character string of protein name in 'slug' form to match slug of FPbase entry.


character string of protein sequence using 1-letter code. Required for MW calculation.


character string of buffer. Optional. Defaults to "".


Path to csv file of a processed absorbance spectrum. Processing should be done with plot_absorbance_spectrum3, which corrects for path lengths and normalises to blank wells.


list of wells to remove before analysis. Defaults to NULL.


required for calculation of A280 extinction coefficient. logical. Does protein have disulphides? Defaults to FALSE.


required for calculation of A280 extinction coefficient. logical. Should function show warnings? Defaults to TRUE.


required for calculation of A280 extinction coefficient. logical. Should function show messages? Defaults to TRUE.


string corresponding to type of correction method to use for the data to remove contribution of light scatter. Options are none, baseline and scatter. Method none applies no correction. Method baseline subtracts the absorbance value of the wavelength supplied in wav_to_use1. Method scatter subtracts a fraction of the absorbance value of the wavelength supplied in wav_to_use2 according to scatter theory (details in section).


numerical value of wavelength (nm) to use for baseline correction. Defaults to 340nm.


numerical value of wavelength (nm) to use for scatter correction. Defaults to 333nm.


path to folder where output files should be saved. Defaults to current working directory.


a280_concs <- get_conc_A280(protein_slug = "mcherry", protein_seq = protein_seq, buffer = "T5N15_pi", processed_spectrum_csv = "abs_parsed_processed.csv", corr_method = "scatter", wav_to_use1 = 340, wav_to_use2 = 315, outfolder = "protquant_a280/mCherry_T5N15pi")