Calculates k-factor of a given buffer/temperature combination according to data from Thermo Scientific for different buffers and temperatures. The k-factor is defined as the A975-A900 for a 1cm pathlength. The calculations are made under the assumption that the fold changes for buffers from water, and for temperatures from 25oC may be combined to get an approximate estimate of the kfactor for a given condition.

  buffer_used = "water",
  concentration_used = 0,
  temperature_used = 25



string corresponding to buffer. Must match a buffer entry in dataset kfactors_buffers_data. Default is "water".


numeric value of concentration of buffer used. Default is 0 (pure water), so it needs changing if buffer isn't water. Take care to ensure the units are correct (buffers specified in M require concentrations in M not mM). This value is ignored if buffer = "water".


numeric value of temperature in oC. Default is 25.


get_kfactor(buffer_used = "TBS", concentration_used = 0.005, temperature_used = 30)