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Path length determination is a key step in working out protein concentrations from absorbance data with process_absorbance_spectrum().

As absorbance depends on the path length, and microplate readers necessitate that absorbance readings are carried out from bottom to top, the path length of the sample is not fixed as it is in a cuvette or Nanodrop. Instead, it depends on a number of other factors, such as the volume used, the composition of the buffer, and the temperature.

Consider this code from the ‘Getting Started’ vignette: the path length correction method pl_method, along with three helper parameters (buffer_used, concentration_used and temperature_used) need to be specified for path length estimation.

# Process spectra
processed_data_spectrum <- process_absorbance_spectrum(
  # basics
  spectrum_csv = "data/example_absorbance_parsed.csv",
  subset_rows = TRUE, rows_to_keep = c("A","B"), columns_to_keep = c(1:12),
  xrange = c(250,1000),
  # path length calcs
  pl_method = "calc_blanks",
  buffer_used = "TBS", concentration_used = 0.005, temperature_used = 30,
  # saving
  outfolder = "fp_quantification"

Estimating Path Length

There are 2 methods for estimating path length in fpcountr. The first relies on measurements within the absorbance data, and the second relies on the sample’s volume.

(1) Estimating Path Length Using Infrared Wavelengths (K-Factors)

The path length of a sample in a well may be estimated from its absorbance readings in the infrared range, and the k-factor of the same buffer at the same temperature.

The k-factor of an aqueous buffer is the observed difference between its absorbance at 975 nm and its absorbance at 900 nm.

The path length of a sample may be estimated by taking the ratio of the measured k-factor in the sample vs the known k-factor of the same buffer at 1cm path length. Therefore, in order to calculate path lengths, we need:

  1. known k-factor of the same buffer at 1cm path length: a reference dataset on k-factors of a range of buffers
  2. measured k-factor in the sample: data on sample absorbance at 900-975nm, information about the identity of the buffer used, its concentration, and the temperature of the assay

Reference k-factors dataset

fpcountr uses reference datasets from Thermo Fisher.

The first is a dataset of k-factors of a range of buffers:

buffer concentration units description kfactor fold_change
water 0.00 none Water 0.173 1.0000000
Na_phosphate 0.10 M Na_phosphate_100mM 0.170 0.9826590
NaOH 0.02 M NaOH_20mM 0.169 0.9768786
sulphuric_acid 0.02 M sulphuric_acid_20mM 0.169 0.9768786
TE_buffer 0.01 M TE_buffer_10mM 0.169 0.9768786
NaCl 0.90 pc NaCl_0.9% 0.168 0.9710983
TBS 0.05 M TBS_50mM 0.166 0.9595376
Na_phosphate 0.08 M Na_phosphate_80mM 0.166 0.9595376
Tris-HCl 1.00 M Tris-HCl_1M 0.157 0.9075145
Tween 0.10 pc Tween_0.1% 0.155 0.8959538
sulphuric_acid 2.00 M sulphuric_acid_2M 0.154 0.8901734
DMSO 1.00 pc DMSO_1% 0.169 0.9768786
DMSO 5.00 pc DMSO_5% 0.159 0.9190751
DMSO 10.00 pc DMSO_10% 0.148 0.8554913
EtOH 5.00 pc EtOH_5% 0.159 0.9190751
EtOH 20.00 pc EtOH_20% 0.129 0.7456647
EtOH 40.00 pc EtOH_40% 0.092 0.5317919
MeOH 5.00 pc MeOH_5% 0.161 0.9306358
MeOH 20.00 pc MeOH_20% 0.133 0.7687861
MeOH 40.00 pc MeOH_40% 0.100 0.5780347

Notice that not all buffers are represented and we need to pick the closest match. For our calibrations, we used a buffer consisting of 5 mM Tris and 15 mM NaCl, so we chose buffer_used = "TBS" and concentration_used = 0.005 (M).

The second lists how the k-factor changes with temperature:

temperature kfactor fold_change
25 0.172 1.000
28 0.174 1.012
31 0.177 1.029
34 0.179 1.041
37 0.183 1.064
41 0.188 1.093
45 0.191 1.110

Run the view_kfactors() function (as is) to get these datasets printed in the console. Use them to help decide what to add for buffer_used and what units to use for concentration_used.

When to use "calc_each" vs "calc_blanks"

To request path length calculation via this method you have two options:

  • Use pl_method = "calc_each" to estimate pathlength of each well individually.
  • Use pl_method = "calc_blanks" to estimate pathlength of all wells from an average of the blank wells. This is usually recommended.

(2) Estimating Path Length Using Sample Volume

To request path length estimation via the volume, use pl_method = "volume".

The volume method calculates path length using a reference experiment in which a microplate was filled with specified volumes of water (50-300 ul), and the path lengths of each were measured and fitted to a linear model.