
The package is written in R and can be installed straight from GitHub:

# install.packages("devtools")

Example data

The package comes with example data to get you started. To find the data folder, use:

system.file("extdata", "", package = "fpcountr", mustWork = TRUE)

This will give you the location of the files.

Create a new folder for this worked example (eg. called fpcountr_example) and copy all of the files into a subfolder called data. So your data should be under fpcountr_example/data. Next, open RStudio, start a new R session and navigate to the fpcountr_example folder.

Worked example

Load all relevant libraries.

Protein concentration determination with the ECmax assay

Identify the relevant files for this assay:

data_folder <- "data"
raw_data_spectrum <- "absorbance_scan" # without .csv
data_layout_spectrum <- "absorbance_scan_layout.csv" # with csv

1. Parse spectrum data

parsed_data_spectrum <- magellan_spectrum_parse(data_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data_spectrum, ".csv")),
                                                layout_csv = file.path(data_folder, data_layout_spectrum),
                                                wellstart = "A1", wellend = "H12")
parsed_data_spectrum[1:5,1:20] # check parsed absorbance spectrum looks good

2. Process spectrum data

Buffer and path length

For absorbance data, path lengths require calculation. This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. calculation using the 900-1000nm region for each well (use pl_method = “calc_each”),
  2. calculation using the 900-1000nm region for the blanks, which is used for all wells (use pl_method = “calc_blanks”),
  3. by using previously obtained relationship of volume:path length using water (use pl_method = “volume”).

For the first two, the buffer and temperature needs to be specified. view_kfactors() allows the inspection of possible buffer types.

  • The specified ‘buffer_used’ needs to match one of the buffers listed in this table. (The example data was carried out with T5N15_pi buffer, this is most closely represented by “TBS”.)
  • The number specified for ‘concentration_used’ needs to match the units in those tables. (Example: 0.005 M)
  • The number specified for ‘temperature_used’ does not need to match those in the temperature table. (Example: 30)

For the third, make sure the absorbance_scan_layout.csv file contains a completed volume column (in ul).

Provide mTagBFP2 protein sequence

For the example data, the protein sequences are available from within the package in the protein_seq_data dataset.

For other FPs, protein sequences in 1-letter code need to be provided for the following functions (to allow function to work out the molecular weight).

protein_seq <- fpcountr::protein_seq_data %>%
  dplyr::filter(slug == "mtagbfp2") %>%
  dplyr::select(sequence) %>%

Process spectra

dir.create("protquant") # Create folder for get_concentration functions' output files

# Process spectra (correct for for path length and normalise to blanks)
processed_data_spectrum_t5n15pi <- plot_absorbance_spectrum(
  spectrum_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data_spectrum, "_parsed.csv")),
  subset_rows = TRUE, rows_to_keep = c("G","H"), columns_to_keep = c(1:12),
  xrange = c(250,1000),
  # for path length
  pl_method = "calc_blanks", # options: "calc_each", "calc_blanks", "volume"
  buffer_used = "TBS", concentration_used = 0.005, temperature_used = 30,
  outfolder = file.path("protquant/ECmax_T5N15pi"))

3. Get concentration using ECmax assay

# Use maximum absorbance wavelength (ECmax) of processed spectra to calculate protein concentrations
buffer_name <- "T5N15_pi"
proteinconcs_ecmax_t5n15pi <- get_conc_ECmax(protein_slug = "mtagbfp2", 
                                             protein_seq = protein_seq,
                                             processed_spectrum_csv = file.path("protquant/ECmax_T5N15pi", paste0(raw_data_spectrum, "_parsed_processed.csv")), # processed data
                                             # wells_to_remove = c(),
                                             corr_method = "scatter",
                                             wav_to_use1 = 500, wav_to_use2 = 315,
                                             outfolder = file.path("protquant/ECmax_T5N15pi/concentration_from_ecmax"),
                                             filename = "fp_properties_fpbase.csv" # what to name FPbase file
proteinconcs_ecmax_t5n15pi[1:12,] # example data should give 4.8 ng/ul for the top concentration

Conversion factor calculation

Identify the relevant files for this assay:

# data_folder <- "data"
raw_data_fluor <- "fluorescence_data" # without .csv
data_layout_fluor1 <- "fluorescence_data_layout.csv" # with csv

Assemble the data layout file from the provided data layout file and the concentrations obtained from the ECmax assay above.

# 0. Assemble Data Layout final: join protein concentration data to fluorescence_data_layout.csv
# data_layout_fluor1 # contains minimal info on all wells
data_layout_fluor2 <- "protquant/ECmax_T5N15pi/concentration_from_ecmax/protein_concs_ecmax.csv" # contains concentrations from ECmax assay
# Join
data_layout_fluor1_DF <- read.csv(file = file.path(data_folder, data_layout_fluor1))
data_layout_fluor2_DF <- read.csv(file = file.path(data_layout_fluor2))
join_DF <- dplyr::left_join(x = data_layout_fluor1_DF, y = data_layout_fluor2_DF)
join_DF[25:36,] # check concentration was joined with data layout correctly
# move well column to right hand side - important for generate_cfs script
join_DF <- cbind(join_DF[ , !names(join_DF) %in% c("well")], join_DF[ , "well"]) # rearrange order
names(join_DF)[ncol(join_DF)] <- "well" # rename last column
write.csv(x = join_DF, file = file.path("conversion_factors/plate_layout_joined_t5n15pi.csv"), row.names = FALSE) # create new data layout file
data_layout_fluor <- "conversion_factors/plate_layout_joined_t5n15pi.csv" # with csv

1. Parse fluorescence data

parsed_data <- magellan_parse(data_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data_fluor, ".csv")),
                              layout_csv = file.path(data_layout_fluor),
                              timeseries = FALSE)

2. Generate cfs

fitvals <- generate_cfs(calibration_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data_fluor, "_parsed.csv")),
                        more_csvs = TRUE, more_plots = TRUE, sensitivity_plots = TRUE,
                        # columns/channels to include/exclude:
                        include_only = "blueblue", exclude = NULL,
                        # column/channel fixes:
                        gain_fix = TRUE, # fixes order of fluor channels w gains by making 2digits->3digits (eg 040->40)
                        rename_from = "blueblue", rename_to = "blueblue ", # adding space here helps to extract gain
                        separator = "", # the character between `rename_to` value (eg "blueblue") and the gain number (eg 040)
                        complete_blank = TRUE,
                        subset_rows = TRUE, rows_to_keep = c("G","H"),
                        outfolder = file.path("conversion_factors/T5N15pi") # where to create conversion factor plots and csv files

Assemble conversion factors

FP conversion factors

If multiple FPs are being calibrated, assembly can be used to join various files together. Here we will just simplify the conversion factor file and move it into a conversion factor folder.

fp_conversion_factors <- read.csv(file.path("conversion_factors/T5N15pi/6_conversion_factors.csv"))
fp_conversion_factors <- fp_conversion_factors %>%
  dplyr::select(instrument, plate, channel_name, media, calibrant, protein, mw_gmol1, measure, gain, cf, beta)
write.csv(fp_conversion_factors, file.path("conversion_factors/fp_conversion_factors_assembled.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

OD conversion factors

These can be obtained according to protocols in the FlopR package/paper. An example calibration output is provided with the example data.

od_conversion_factors <- read.csv(file.path("data/od_conversion_factors.csv"))

Our recommendation is that these are not used “as is”, because the OD700/OD600 ratio doesn’t match that of cells. To allow cross comparison of OD600 and OD700 data, the OD700 conversion factors should be calculated from the OD600 ones:

od_conversion_factors2 <- od_conversion_factors %>%
  dplyr::filter(measure == "OD600") %>%
  dplyr::select(instrument, plate, calibrant, measure, cf) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = measure, values_from = cf) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(OD700 = OD600/1.31) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(OD600, OD700), names_to = "measure", values_to = "cf")
write.csv(od_conversion_factors2, file.path("conversion_factors/od_conversion_factors_assembled.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

Processing data from E. coli Fluorescent Protein expression experiments

data_folder <- "data"
raw_data <- "20210501_mTagBFP2_ecoli_response_data" # without .csv
data_layout <- "20210501_mTagBFP2_ecoli_response_data_layout.csv" # with csv

1. Parse data

parsed_data <- magellan_parse(data_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data, ".csv")),
                              layout_csv = file.path(data_folder, data_layout),
                              timeseries = TRUE,
                              timestart = "0s",
                              interval = 10, # in minutes
                              mode = "read_first", # mode can only be "read_first" or "incubate_first"
                              metadata_above = 1, # Well Positions
                              metadata_below = 0,
                              # metadata is how many lines of metadata was requested w the data # eg well positions, layout, replicate info.
                              custom = TRUE, startcol = 3, endcol = 97, insert_wells_above = 0, insert_wells_below = 1

2. Process data

processed_data <- process_plate(data_csv = file.path(data_folder, paste0(raw_data, "_parsed.csv")),
                                blank_well = c("A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11"), # wells with media only
                                # od
                                od_name = "OD700",
                                # fluorescence
                                flu_channels = c("blue"), # column names in data that represent fluorescence channel(s)
                                flu_channels_rename = c("blueblue"), # rename data columns to make sure they match conversion factor table entries
                                # correction
                                do_quench_correction = TRUE,
                                od_type = "OD700",
                                # calibrations
                                do_calibrate = TRUE,
                                instr = "spark1", # instrument name for the calibration(s)
                                # flu_channels above specifies channel(s) for the calibration(s)
                                flu_slugs = c("mTagBFP2"),
                                # FP name in FPbase's slug format for the calibration(s)
                                # OR whatever matches the format used in the conversion factor files
                                flu_gains = c(60), # gain for calibration(s)
                                # each of the above need to be specified for every flu_channels being calibrated
                                flu_labels = c("mTagBFP2"),
                                # how to display the FP/channel combination in plots and file names
                                # important if slug is unhelpful or multiple gains used for same FP
                                # conversion factors
                                od_coeffs_csv = "conversion_factors/od_conversion_factors_assembled.csv", # microsphere calibs for od600, 700
                                fluor_coeffs_csv = "conversion_factors/fp_conversion_factors_assembled.csv", # predicted cfs tables for all instr/channels/gains/FPs
                                # autofluorescence model
                                af_model = "spline", # options: NULL, "spline", "loess"
                                neg_well = c("A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7"), # wells with cells+no FP # if af_model = NULL this can be hashed
                                outfolder = file.path("mTagBFP2_responsecurve_analysis") # specify folder for output files
processed_data[13:24,] # row B
Normalisation (black=raw, red=normalised):

Quench correction (black=normalised, red=corrected):

Calibration (red=calibrated):

3. Calculate per cell values

pc_data_mTagBFP2 <- calc_fppercell(data_csv = file.path("mTagBFP2_responsecurve_analysis", paste0(raw_data, "_parsed_processed.csv")),
                                   flu_channels = c("blueblue"), # colnames of normalised values (rfu)..
                                   flu_labels = c("mTagBFP2"), # colnames of calibrated values (molecules)..
                                   #.. according to what was specified in process_plate()
                                   remove_wells = c("A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11", # media
                                                    "A1","B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1", 
                                                    "A12","B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12" # empty wells
                                                    # no anomalies
                                   get_rfu_od = TRUE,
                                   get_mol_cell = TRUE,
                                   outfolder = file.path("mTagBFP2_responsecurve_analysis", "percell_data"))

4. Calculate cellular concentration

molar_data_mTagBFP2 <- calc_fpconc(data_csv = file.path("mTagBFP2_responsecurve_analysis", paste0(raw_data, "_parsed_processed.csv")),
                                   flu_channels = c("blueblue"), # colnames of normalised values (rfu)..
                                   flu_labels = c("mTagBFP2"), # colnames of calibrated values (molecules)..
                                   # ..according to what was specified in process_plate()
                                   remove_wells = c("A11", "B11", "C11", "D11", "E11", "F11", "G11", "H11", # media
                                                    "A1","B1", "C1", "D1", "E1", "F1", "G1", "H1", 
                                                    "A12","B12", "C12", "D12", "E12", "F12", "G12", "H12" # empty wells
                                                    # no anomalies
                                   get_rfu_vol = TRUE,
                                   get_mol_vol = TRUE,
                                   od_specific_total_volume = 3.6,
                                   odmeasure = "OD700",
                                   odmeasure_conversion = 0.79, # typically 1 for OD600, 0.79 for OD700
                                   outfolder = file.path("mTagBFP2_responsecurve_analysis", "molar_data"))

These files can then be used to analyse data in absolute quantities…

Further information

The paper covers the purpose and structure of these functions in more detail.